
3.5.11. Head of the block of cylinders

Sequence of tightening of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders


Be careful that dirt did not get to the fuel pump.

At installation of a head of the block of cylinders, the top guides and asterisks of the camshaft it is necessary to use new bolts.


1. Merge cooling liquid from the cooling system.
2. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator and a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
3. Remove the vacuum pump of the brake system.
4. Install the piston of the first cylinder in the top dead point in a step of compression and record a bent shaft.
5. For improvement of access to a cover of an asterisk of the fuel pump perform the following operations:
      – remove a casing of the air filter and a forward exhaust pipe;
      – take off an auxiliary driving belt;
      – unscrew a fastening nut from a frame of a suspension bracket of the power unit and raise the engine so not to deform hoses and pipes.
6. Remove the top natyazhitel of a chain.
7. Remove the mechanism of a tension of a driving belt.
8. Unscrew bolts and uncover an asterisk of the fuel pump.
9. Put combination tags between the top chain and asterisks, and also between an asterisk of the camshaft and the camshaft.
10. Unscrew bolts and remove the top guide of a chain.
11. Before unscrewing of bolts of fastening of the top guide of a chain bolts need to be heated to soften the structure interfering unscrewing of bolts.
12. Using a wrench, fix the camshaft from a provorachivaniye and unscrew bolts of fastening of an asterisk of the camshaft. Before unscrewing of a bolt take a pin of blocking of a bent shaft and after unscrewing of a bolt establish a pin into place.
13. Remove a chain from an asterisk of the camshaft and take an asterisk from the engine. Under a chain install the screw-driver or a steel core to prevent its falling in a head of the block of cylinders.
14. Clear area about connection of the pipeline of supply of fuel to the fuel pump and unscrew bolts of fastening of pipelines.
15. Disconnect the return tube from the fuel pump. Disconnect pipelines from brackets of fastening and move them from a head of the block of cylinders aside.
16. Remove inlet and final collectors. If dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders is not required, it can be removed together with collectors after performance of the following actions:
      – on models of a turbo disconnect inlet channels and a metal pipe from a turbocharger,
      – unscrew a bolt of fastening of a plait of wires to the top part of an inlet collector and disconnect electric sockets,
      – disconnect the electric socket from the sensor of a bent shaft,
      – disconnect pipes from fuel nozzles,
      – disconnect vacuum hoses from the switch of an inlet collector and the EGR valve,
      – disconnect electric wires from candles of an incandescence and remove the heat-resistant screen of a turbocharger,
      – disconnect turbocharger oil pipelines from the block of cylinders, disconnect a vacuum hose of a diaphragm of the gate,
      – remove the heat-resistant screen of a starter.
17. Weaken collars and disconnect hoses of supply of cooling liquid (are specified by shooters) to a head of the block of cylinders.
18. Remove hoses of supply of cooling liquid to a back part of a head of the block of cylinders.
19. Unscrew the top bolt of fastening of the generator and move the generator from a head of the block of cylinders.
20. Unscrew three bolts of fastening of the right end of a head of the block of cylinders to the top part of a cover of a chain and one bolt fixing a head of the block of cylinders to the block of cylinders (are specified by shooters).
21. Gradually and consistently in the order shown in the drawing Sequence of Tightening of Bolts of Fastening of a Head of the Block of Cylinders unscrew 10 bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
22. Take bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders together with washers.
23. Remove a head of the block of cylinders.
24. Remove laying of a head of the block of cylinders.


Do not stack a head of the block of cylinders the lower part on a table but only on wooden whetstones as from a head of the block of cylinders fuel nozzles and glow plugs act.

Preparation for installation

1. The interfaced surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders of the engine need to be cleared carefully of the remains of laying and a deposit, using a plastic or wooden scraper. It is also necessary to clear the top parts of pistons. When cleaning exclude a possibility of hit of products of cleaning to oil canals of the cooling system. Carefully clear the internal surfaces of cylinders.
2. Check the surfaces of interface of a head and the block of cylinders of the engine for existence of defects. Insignificant damages are eliminated with machining. Also using a metal ruler and the probe, check planeness of a prileganiye of surfaces.
3. Clear openings under bolts in the block. Screwing up of a bolt in the opening filled with oil can break off the block because of hydraulic pressure.
4. Depending on the size of a vystupaniye of pistons from the block of cylinders it is necessary to use laying of a head of strictly certain thickness. Thickness of laying is identified by the openings punched in the left forward angle of laying. The tag of identification of thickness of a head of the block of cylinders is specified by an arrow.
5. Check that the bent shaft is in the provision of the top dead point of the piston of the first cylinder. Install the indicator of hour type on an arm on the block of cylinders. Install a measuring tip on the block of cylinders and establish an indicator scale on 0. Install a measuring tip on the piston of the first cylinder and slightly turn a bent shaft in both parties and note the highest value on the indicator. Write down this value.
6. Similarly measure a piston vystupaniye on the N 4 cylinder. Then turn the camshaft on 180 ° and repeat measurement of a vystupaniye of pistons on cylinders 2 and 3. Turn the camshaft on 540 ° and install it in a starting position.
7. Using the size of the maximum vystupaniye of the piston, pick up laying of a head of the block of cylinders.

Quantity of openings
Laying thickness
Without opening
1,20 mm
1 opening
1,30 mm
2 openings
1,40 mm
3 openings
1,50 mm

Vystupaniye of the piston
Laying thickness
0,40 – 0,50 mm
1,20 mm
0,51 – 0,60 mm
1,30 mm
0,61 – 0,70 mm
1,40 mm


1. Wipe the interfaced surfaces of the block of cylinders and a head of the block of cylinders.
2. Check that two directing pins (are specified by shooters) are established in a head of the block of cylinders and establish laying of a head of the block of cylinders.
3. Check that the bent shaft is recorded in the provision of the top dead point of the piston of the first cylinder in a compression step, and cams of the camshaft of the first cylinder are directed up and the groove on the left side of the camshaft is parallel to a surface of a head of the block of cylinders.
4. Establish a head of the block of cylinders. Take the top chain on top of a head of the block of cylinders and fix it on a head, using an edge of the screw-driver or a steel core.
5. Grease bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders with engine oil, insert them into a head and tighten by hand.
6. Gradually and consistently in several stages tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders (see rice. Sequence of tightening of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders).
7. Screw up bolts of fastening of a cover of a chain to the right side of a head of the block of cylinders.
8. Turn the generator to the engine and fix the top bolt of fastening of the generator.
9. Connect hoses of supply of cooling liquid of a head of the block of cylinders and fix them by collars.
10. Establish inlet and final collectors.
11. Install a camshaft asterisk on the camshaft.
12. Install pipelines of supply of fuel with new washers and fix them by the required moment.
13. Fill in cooling liquid in the engine cooling system.