
3.5.9. Chains and asterisks


At installation of an asterisk of the camshaft and a new guide of a chain it is necessary to use new bolts.



1. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator. Uncover a head.
2. Install the piston of the first cylinder in the top dead point in a step of compression and record a bent shaft.
3. For improvement of access to a cover of an asterisk of the fuel pump perform the following operations:
      – remove a casing of the air filter and a forward exhaust pipe;
      – take off an auxiliary driving belt;
      – unscrew a nut of fastening of a support of the power unit on the right side of the engine, raise the engine as far as possible not to deform hoses and tubes.
4. Remove the top and lower natyazhitel of a chain.
5. Unscrew an auxiliary rack of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension, the lower and hinged bolt of a basic plate and remove the tension mechanism from the engine.
6. Unscrew bolts of fastening of a cover of an asterisk of the fuel pump
7. Uncover an asterisk of the fuel pump.
8. Establish blocking pins in asterisks of the fuel pump and camshaft.
9. Unscrew bolts and remove the top guide of a chain from the top part of a head of the block of cylinders.


Before unscrewing of the top bolts of guides of a chain they need to be heated to soften the structure interfering unscrewing of bolts.

10. Heat the top bolts of guides of a chain for simplification of their unscrewing.
11. Unscrew bolts of fastening of the top guide of a chain.
12. Remove the top guide of a chain.
13. Using a wrench, fix the camshaft from provorachivaniye and weaken a bolt of fastening of an asterisk of the camshaft. Check that the chain is correctly established on an asterisk of the camshaft and, using a soft wire, tie a chain to an asterisk. If blocking pins are used, remove them before weakening of bolts of fastening of an asterisk and establish into place after weakening of a bolt.
14. Take pins of blocking of the fuel pump and weaken bolts, the fixing asterisks of the fuel pump to a pump ledge. Unscrew bolts and remove an asterisk of the fuel pump. Remove a chain from an asterisk of the fuel pump then remove an asterisk from the camshaft and take it together with a chain from the top part of a head of the block of cylinders.



1. Remove the top chain and asterisks.
2. Uncover a chain.
3. Apply combination tags on a chain and asterisks.
4. Remove an asterisk of the fuel pump together with a chain.
5. Remove an asterisk from a bent shaft.
6. Remove a segment spline from a bent shaft.


1. Check a condition of teeths of asterisks for wear and damage. With defects of asterisks, it is necessary to replace asterisks and a chain.
2. Check a condition of guides of a chain and an edge of the mechanism of a tension for existence of wear and damages.



1. If new details are established, transfer to them combination tags from earlier standing details. Check that the bent shaft is recorded in the provision of the top dead point of the piston of the first cylinder. Establish an asterisk of the fuel pump together with a chain through the top part of a head of the block of cylinders.
2. Establish an asterisk of the fuel pump and dress on it a chain.
3. Check that earlier made tags are combined, and establish an asterisk of the fuel pump and camshaft. Remove the wire tying a chain to a camshaft asterisk.
4. Combine an adjusting tag of an asterisk of the fuel pump with an opening in a pump ledge (it is specified by an arrow) and tighten fastening bolts by hand.
5. Establish a new bolt of fastening of an asterisk of the camshaft and tighten it by hand.
6. Establish the lower natyazhitel of a chain.
7. Establish the top guide of a chain and fix by bolts, having tightened them the required moment (it is specified by an arrow).
8. Establish pins of blocking of the pump, camshaft and a bent shaft. If necessary adjust the gas distribution mechanism drive.
9. Establish the top natyazhitel of a chain.
10. Check that the interfaced surfaces of a cover of an asterisk of the fuel pump and a cover of a chain, pure and dry. Establish a cover with use of thin laying or a thin layer of sealant. Tighten bolts of fastening of a cover the required moment.
11. Install the mechanism of a tension of a driving belt.
12. Convert the right support of the power unit to a head of the block of cylinders.
13. Establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
14. Establish a forward exhaust pipe, a casing of the air filter and the sensor of a bent shaft.



1. At installation of new details transfer to them combination tags from earlier removed details.
2. Establish a segment spline in a groove of a bent shaft and establish an asterisk of a bent shaft, combining a groove on an asterisk with a segment spline.
3. Check that the asterisk of the fuel pump is correctly combined, and the bent shaft of the engine is recorded in the provision of the top dead point of the piston of the first cylinder.
4. Check combination of tags, establish a chain on an asterisk of the fuel pump and establish an asterisk into place. Check that all tags made before removal are correctly combined.
5. Establish a cover of a chain and establish the top chain of the drive of the mechanism of gas distribution.