
3.4. Partition of all petrol engines

2,0 liters engine
Maximum deformation of a surface of laying
0,05 mm
Height of a head of cylinders:
  – SOHC
95,75 – 96,25 mm
  – DOHC
134 mm
Valve saddle width:
  – SOHC:
     • inlet
1,0 – 1,5 mm
     • final
1,7 – 2,2 mm
  – DOHC:
     • inlet
1,0 – 1,4 mm
     • final
1,4 – 1,8 mm
Height of the directing valve plug in a head of cylinders:
  – SOHC
83,25 – 84,05 mm
  – DOHC
13,70 – 14,00 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Maximum deformation of a surface of laying
0,05 mm
Height of a head of cylinders
134 mm
Valve saddle width:
  – inlet
1,0 – 1,4 mm
  – final
1,4 – 1,8 mm
Height of the directing valve plug in a head of cylinders
13,7 – 14,0 mm

Valves and the directing plugs

2,0 liters engine
Diameter of a rod of the valve (SOHC) *:
  – inlet:
     • nominal (GM)
6,998 – 7,012 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
7,073 – 7,087 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
7,148 – 7,162 mm
     • after the third boring of the plug (0,250 mm – And)
7,248 – 7,262 mm
  – final:
     • nominal (GM)
6,978 – 7,992 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
7,053 – 7,067 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
7,128 – 7,142 mm
     • after the third boring of the plug (0,250 mm – And)
7,228 – 7,262 mm
Diameter of a rod of the valve (DOHC) *:
  – inlet:
     • nominal (GM)
5,955 – 5,970 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
6,030 – 6,045 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
6,105 – 7,120 mm
  – final:
     • nominal (GM)
5,945 – 5,960 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
6,020 – 6,035 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
6,095 – 6,110 mm
Valve rod beating
less than 0,03 mm
Diameter of an opening of the directing valve rod plug:
  – SOHC:
     • nominal
7,030 – 7,050 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm)
7,105 – 7,125 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm)
7,180 – 7,200 mm
     • after the third boring of the plug (0,250 mm)
7,280 – 7,300 mm
  – DOHC:
     • nominal
6,000 – 6,012 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,065 mm)
6,075 – 6,090 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm)
6,150 – 6,165 mm
Gap between a rod of the valve and the directing plug:
  – SOHC:
     • inlet
0,018 – 0,052 mm
     • final
0,038 – 0,072 mm
  – DOHC:
     • inlet
0,030 – 0,057 mm
     • final
0,040 – 0,067 mm
Length of the valve (SOHC):
  – inlet:
     • standard valve
104,0 – 104,4 mm
     • the ground-off valve
103,6 – 104,0 mm
  – final:
     • standard valve
103,75 – 104,25 mm
     • the ground-off valve
103,35 – 103,85 mm
Length of the valve (DOHC):
  – inlet:
     • standard valve
101,9 – 102,3 mm
     • the ground-off valve
101,5 – 101,9 mm
  – final:
     • standard valve
92,05 – 92,45 mm
     • the ground-off valve
91,65 – 92,05 mm
Height of a rod of the installed valve:
  – SOHC
17,85 – 18,25 mm
  – DOHC:
     • standard valve
39,6 – 40,2 mm
     • the ground-off valve
39,239,8 mm
Diameter of a head of the valve:
  – SOHC:
     • inlet
41,8 mm
     • final
36,5 mm
     • inlet
31,9 – 32,1 mm
     • final
28,9 – 29,1 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Diameter of a rod клапана*:
  – inlet:
     • nominal (GM)
5,955 – 5,970 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
6,030 – 6,045 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
6,105 – 6,120 mm
  – final:
     • nominal (GM)
5,945 – 5,960 mm
     • after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm – GM K1)
6,020 – 6,035 mm
     • after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm – GM K2)
6,095 – 6,110 mm
Valve rod beating
less than 0,03 mm
Diameter of an opening of the directing valve rod plug:
  – nominal
6,000 – 6,012 mm
  – after the first boring of the plug (0,075 mm)
6,075 – 6,090 mm
  – after the second boring of the plug (0,150 mm)
6,150 – 6,165 mm
Gap between a rod of the valve and the directing plug:
  – inlet
0,030 – 0,057 mm
  – final
0,040 – 0,067 mm
Valve length:
  – inlet:
     • standard valve
101,9 – 102,3 mm
     • the ground-off valve
101,5 – 101,9 mm
  – final:
     • standard valve
92,05 – 92,45 mm
     • the ground-off valve
91,65 – 92,05 mm
Diameter of a head of the valve:
  – inlet
31,9 – 32,1 mm
  – final
28,9 – 29,1 mm

* In brackets identification number is specified.

Block of cylinders

2,0 liters engines
Maximum deformation of a surface of laying
0,05 mm
Diameter of the cylinder:
  – nominal:
     • class 8
85,975 – 85,985 mm
     • class 99
85,985 – 85,995 mm
     • class 00
85,995 – 86,005 mm
     • class 01
86,005 – 86,015 mm
     • class 02
86,015 – 86,025 mm
  – after boring (0,5 mm)
86,465 – 86,475 mm
Maximum ovality of the cylinder
0,013 mm
Maximum conicity of the cylinder
0,013 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Maximum deformation of a surface of laying
0,05 mm
Diameter of the cylinder (2,5 liters engine):
  – nominal:
     • class 8
81,575 – 81,585 mm
     • class 99
81,585 – 81,595 mm
     • class 00
81,595 – 81,605 mm
     • class 01
81,605 – 81,615 mm
     • class 02
81,615 – 81,625 mm
  – after boring (0,5 mm)
82,065 – 82,075 mm
Diameter of the cylinder (3,0 liters engine):
  – nominal:
     • class 8
85,975 – 85,985 mm
     • class 99
85,985 – 85,995 mm
     • class 00
85,995 – 86,005 mm
     • class 01
86,005 – 86,015 mm
     • class 02
86,015 – 86,025 mm
  – after boring (0,5 mm)
86,465 – 86,475 mm
Maximum ovality of the cylinder
0,013 mm
Maximum conicity of the cylinder
0,013 mm

Pistons and piston rings

2,0 liters engines
Diameter of the piston:
  – nominal:
     • class 8
85,945 – 85,955 mm
     • class 99
85,955 – 85,965 mm
     • class 00
85,965 – 85,975 mm
     • class 01
85,975 – 85,985 mm
     • class 02
86,985 – 86,995 mm
  – after boring (0,5 mm)
86,435 – 86,445 mm
Gap between the piston and the cylinder
0,02 – 0,04 mm
Trailer gaps of the piston rings installed in cylinders:
  – compression rings
0,3 – 0,5 mm
  – oil scraper ring
0,4 – 1,4 mm
Thickness of a piston ring:
  – compression rings
1,5 mm
  – oil scraper ring
3,0 mm
Gap between a piston ring and a flute of a ring:
  – compression rings
0,02 – 0,04 mm
  – oil scraper ring
0,01 – 0,03 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Diameter of the piston (2,5 liters engine):
  – nominal:
     • class 8
81,540 – 81,550 mm
     • class 99
81,550 – 81,560 mm
     • class 00
81,560 – 81,570 mm
     • class 01
81,570 – 81,580 mm
     • class 02
81,580 – 81,040 mm
  – after boring (0,1 mm)
82,030 – 82,040 mm
Diameter of the piston (3,0 liters engine):
  – nominal:
     • class 8
85,940 – 85,950 mm
     • class 99
85,950 – 85,960 mm
     • class 00
85,960 – 85,970 mm
     • class 01
85,970 – 85,980 mm
     • class 02
86,980 – 86,990 mm
  – after boring (0,5 mm)
86,430 – 86,440 mm
Gap between the piston and the cylinder
0,025 – 0,045 mm
Trailer gaps of the piston rings installed in cylinders:
  – compression rings
0,3 – 0,5 mm
  – oil scraper ring
0,4 – 1,4 mm
Thickness of a piston ring:
  – compression rings
1,5 mm
  – oil scraper ring
3,0 mm
Gap between a piston ring and a flute of a ring:
  – compression rings
0,02 – 0,04 mm
  – oil scraper ring
0,01 – 0,03 mm

Piston fingers

2,0 liters engine
20,990 – 21,000 mm
61,2 – 61,8 mm
Gap between the piston and a piston finger
0,011 – 0,014 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
20,990 – 21,000 mm
  – 2,5 liters
55,7 – 56,0 mm
  – 3,0 liters
57,7 – 58,0 mm
Gap between the piston and a piston finger:
  – 2,5 liters
0,011 – 0,014 mm
  – 3,0 liters
0,001 – 0,015 mm
Gap between a piston finger and a rod:
  – 2,5 liters
Motionless landing
  – 3,0 liters
0,014 – 0,030 mm

Bent shaft

2,0 liters engines
Free wheeling
0,05 – 0,15 mm
Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing:
  – nominal:
     • 1st group
57,974 – 57,981 mm
     • 2nd group
57,981 – 57,988 mm
     • 3-y group
57,988 – 57,995 mm
  – after the first grinding (0,25 mm)
57,732 – 57,745 mm
  – after the second grinding (0,50 mm)
57,482 – 57,495 mm
Diameter of a neck of the bearing of a rod:
  – nominal
48,970 – 48,988 mm
  – after the first grinding (0,25 mm)
48,720 – 48,738 mm
  – after the second grinding (0,50 mm)
48,470 – 48,488 mm
Ovality of necks of a bent shaft
0,04 mm
Conicity of necks
0,04 mm
Admissible beating of a shaft
less than 0,03 mm
Working gap of the radical bearing
0,015 – 0,043 mm
Working gap of the bearing of a rod
0,006 – 0,031 mm
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Free wheeling
0,01 – 0,76 mm
Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing:
  – nominal
67,980 – 67,996 mm
  – after the first grinding (0,25 mm)
67,730 – 67,746mm
  – after the second grinding (0,50 mm)
67,480 – 67,496 mm
Diameter of a neck of the bearing of a rod:
  – 2,5 liters:
     • nominal
48,971 – 48,990 mm
     • after the first grinding (0,25 mm)
48,721 – 48,740 mm
     • after the second grinding (0,50 mm)
48,721 – 48,740 mm
  – 3,0 liters:
     • nominal
53,971 – 53,990 mm
     • after the first grinding (0,25 mm)
53,721 – 53,740 mm
     • after the second grinding (0,50 mm)
53,471 – 53,490 mm
Ovality of necks of a bent shaft
0,04 mm
Conicity of necks
0,04 mm
Admissible beating of a shaft
less than 0,03 mm
Working gap of the radical bearing
0,014 – 0,043 mm
Working gap of the bearing of a rod
0,010 – 0,061 mm

Moments of an inhaling, N. of m.

SOHC engine 2,0 liters
Camshaft cover bolts
Camshaft asterisk bolt
Bolts of a persistent plate of the camshaft
Bolts of a back cover of a casing of the camshaft
Rod cover bolt:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of the pump of cooling liquid
Bolts of a ventilating tube of a case of the engine
Bolts of a pulley of a bent shaft
Bolts of a rotor of the sensor of a bent shaft
Bolt of an asterisk of a bent shaft:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 40 – 50 °
Bolts of a head of cylinders:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 4
Tighten for 90 °
Bolts of a drive plate:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Fastenings of the engine and transmission:
  – left and right support:
     • the nut fixing a support to a body
     • the nut fixing a support to its arm
     • the bolts fixing a support arm to the block of cylinders
  – back support:
     • the bolts fixing a support to the transmission
     • the nuts fixing a support to a cross-piece
     • the bolts fixing a cross-piece to a body
Bolts of a basic arm of the engine and transmission:
  – a bolt, the fixing arm to the engine
  – the bolts fixing an arm to the transmission
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to the engine
Flywheel bolts:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of covers of radical bearings:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Oil filter
Oil pump:
  – fixing bolts
  – pump cover screws
  – bolt of the reducing valve
  – bolts of a maslozaborny branch pipe
  – the heat-insulating guards of spark plugs
Bolts of the oil pallet:
  – fixing bolts
  – stopper of a drain opening of the oil pallet
Bolts of a cover of a gas-distributing belt:
  – external cover
  – back cover
Bolt of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing belt
DOHC engine 2,0 liters
Bolts of covers of bearings of the camshaft
Camshaft cover bolts
Camshaft asterisk bolt:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 60 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of the pump of cooling liquid
Rod cover bolt:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a ventilating tube of a case of the engine
Bolts of system of an equilibration of a bent shaft – the engines released since 1998:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
Bolts of a pulley of a bent shaft
Bolts of a rotor of the sensor of a bent shaft
Bolt of an asterisk of a bent shaft:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 40 – 50 °
Bolts of a head of cylinders:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 4
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 5
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a drive plate:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Fastenings of the engine and transmission:
Left and right support:
  – the nut fixing a support to a body
  – the nut fixing a support to its arm
  – the bolts fixing a support arm to the block of cylinders
Back support:
  – the bolts fixing a support to the transmission
  – the nuts fixing a support to a cross-piece
  – the bolts fixing a cross-piece to a body
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to the engine:
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to the block of cylinders
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to a flange of the oil pallet (engines with the compound oil pallet)
Bolts of a basic arm of the engine and transmission (engines with the integral oil pallet):
  – a bolt, the fixing arm to the engine
  – the bolts fixing an arm to the transmission
Flywheel bolts:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of covers of radical bearings:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a cast part of the oil pallet (engines with the compound oil pallet):
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
Oil filter
Oil pump:
  – fixing bolts
  – pump cover screws
  – bolt of the reducing valve
Bolts of a maslozaborny branch pipe:
  – engines with the integral oil pallet
  – engines with the compound oil pallet:
     • the bolts fixing a maslozaborny branch pipe to a casing of the oil pump
     • M6 bolts fixing a maslozaborny branch pipe to a cast part of the oil pallet
     • M8 bolts fixing a maslozaborny branch pipe to a cast part of the oil pallet
Bolts of the oil pallet (oil pallet, two-piece):
  – pallet bolts:
     • step 1
     • step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – bolts of a cast part of the oil pallet:
     • the bolts fixing the block to the block of cylinders and the oil pump
     • the bolts fixing the block to the transmission
Cap of a drain opening of the oil pallet:
  – a cap with a six-sided head
  – a cap with a tetrahedral head
Bolts of a cover of a gas-distributing belt:
  – external cover
  – back cover
Intermediate pulley of a gas-distributing belt:
  – pulley bolt
  – arm bolts
  – bolt of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing belt
2,5 and 3,0 liters engines
Bolts of a natyazhitel of an additional belt
Bolts of a dividing partition
Bolts of covers of bearings of the camshaft
Camshaft cover bolts
Camshaft sensor bolt
Camshaft asterisk bolt:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 60 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Rod cover bolt:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a ventilating tube of the right block of cylinders
Bolt of an arm of the engine intended for fastening the elevator
Bolts of the pump of cooling liquid
Bolts of a pulley of the pump of cooling liquid:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 30 °
Bolts of a ventilating tube of a case of the engine
Bolts of a pulley of a bent shaft
Bolts of a rotor of the sensor of a bent shaft
Bolt of an asterisk of a bent shaft:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 45 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a head of cylinders:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 4
Tighten for 90 °
  – step 5
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of a branch pipe of cooling liquid of a head of cylinders
Bolts of a drive plate:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Fastenings of the engine and transmission:
Left and right support:
  – the nut fixing a support to a body
  – the nut fixing a support to its arm
  – the bolts fixing a support arm to the block of cylinders
  – shock-absorber bolts
Back support:
  – the bolts fixing a support to the transmission
  – the nuts fixing a support to a cross-piece
  – the bolts fixing a cross-piece to a body
The bolts fixing the transmission to the engine:
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to the block of cylinders
  – the bolts fixing the transmission to a flange of the oil pallet
Flywheel bolts:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of the block of covers of radical bearings:
  – bolts of covers:
     • step 1
     • step 2
Tighten for 60 °
     • step 3
Tighten for 15 °
  – fitting of the block of covers
  – the bolts (M8) fixing the block of covers to the block of cylinders
Oil heater:
  – cover bolts
  – cover nuts
  – bolts and nuts of connections of tubes of the oil heater
Oil filter
Screws of a cover of the oil pump
Fixing bolts of the oil pump:
  – M6 bolts with an original back cover of a gas-distributing belt:
     • initial moment of an inhaling
     • final moment of an inhaling
  – M6 bolts with the modified back cover of a gas-distributing belt
  – M8 bolts:
     • step 1
     • step 2
Bolts of a maslozaborny branch pipe
Bolts of a pulley of the pump of the hydraulic booster of steering:
  – step 1
  – step 2
Tighten for 30 °
  – step 3
Tighten for 15 °
Bolts of the oil pallet:
  – pallet bolts:
     • step 1
     • step 2
Tighten for 30 °
Bolts of a cast part of the oil pallet:
The bolts fixing a cast part to the block of cylinders and the oil pump
The bolts fixing a cast part to the transmission
Cap of a drain opening of the oil pallet:
  – a cap with a six-sided head
  – a cap with a tetrahedral head
Bolts of a cover of a gas-distributing belt:
  – external cover
  – back cover:
     • M6 bolts
     • M8 bolts
Bolt of the lower directing pulley of a gas-distributing belt
Pulley of a natyazhitel and the top directing pulley of a gas-distributing belt:
  – the bolts fixing an arm of pulleys to the block of cylinders
  – nut of a pulley of a natyazhitel
  – a bolt of the directing pulley