
3.1.3. Top Dead Point (TDP) of the N1 piston

The highest point which is reached by the N1 piston at the time of a compression step is accepted to the top dead point.

The N1 piston is located in a forward part of the engine from a gas-distributing belt.

1. Disconnect a wire of the minus plug of the accumulator and, if necessary, unscrew spark plugs.
2. Remove an external cover of a gas-distributing belt.
3. Turn a bent shaft so that the synchronizing tag (1) of an asterisk of the camshaft was combined with a cut in a back cover of a gas-distributing belt, and the tag (2) asterisks of a bent shaft was combined with a cut in a casing of the oil pump.
4. When tags are combined, the N1 piston is in VMT at the time of a compression step.