ef5af8e6 Why the diesel rustles?

Well familiar roar of the diesel is generated by ignition of fuel and the subsequent sharp recession of high pressure in the combustion chamber. The most accurately specific roar of the diesel is heard after start-up during warming up of the engine on single turns.

The diesel has no system of ignition, but there is a system of prestarting warming up of combustion chambers of cylinders by means of starting candles. Besides, times of a long provorachivaniye of the engine a starter and painful expectation when the control lamp of the end of prestarting warming up goes out, passed long ago. Already many producers release the fast-started diesels which start requires no more than a couple of seconds in the winter. Some cars even have "the starting handle" which can be operated directly the fuel pump of high pressure to change the injection moment, to accelerate warming up and to reduce emission of smoke at start-up.